Bayonetta is an ongoing series of fast-paced hack 'n' slash video games developed by PlatinumGames.
The series follows the story of the titular and mysterious Umbran Witch who searches for answers about her past. Using her 4 handguns, her hair, and a variety of demons in her possession, she fights against angels, demons, and manmade bioweapons alike.

I initially got into the series in 2018 when I played it on my dad's old Xbox 360. I was a very modest and insecure kid at the time, so playing the game and watching how Bayonetta flaunted herself in such a confident and unapologetic way was very surprising for me to say the least. After the initial shock of that, though, I quickly came to adore the series and its characters. Bayonetta is a character that I honestly think has helped me become more confident in myself and my identity.